Course Description

Visualization for beginners is a practical introduction to the practice of conscious visual meditation. 

For those just starting out or seasoned meditators alike, this introduction gives a solid framework for self-study and more advanced practices. 

My goal with this course is to sharpen your "minds-eye", and help you create your dreams with ease and grace. That's only accomplished by learning the basics, achieving results, and scaling your practice accordingly.

This introductory training is the first step toward more advanced meditations and sacred ceremonies. 

So relax, take a deep breath from your belly, exhale and soften, and let's begin "Seeing" together!

Yoga Therapist & Meditation Instructor

EuGene Gant

For over 16 years, EuGene Gant has been motivating clients with practical teachings to encourage a conscious lifestyle ~ healthy body, clear mind and an open heart.EuGene combines yoga therapies, breathing techniques and meditation, fused with empowering mantras, soulful music of his own creation, and plenty of laughter. EuGene is known for his distinctive, high energy, inspiring teaching style. Practical application of sacred wisdom and techniques are the foundation of his vision and practice.

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    What is Visualization?

    • Introduction

    • What is Visualization?

  • 2

    How Does It Work?

    • How Does It Work?

  • 3

    Visualization Throughout History

    • Visualization Throughout History

  • 4

    Preparing Yourself For Effective Visualization

    • Preparing Yourself For Effective Visualization

  • 5

    The Vision Board Technique

    • The Vision Board Technique

  • 6

    Using Affirmations With Visualization

    • Using Affirmations With Visualization

  • 7

    Writing Down Your Goals

    • Writing Down Your Goals

  • 8

    Visualize Getting The Results

    • Visualize Getting The Results

  • 9

    Insert Yourself Into The Pictures Of The Life You Want

    • Insert Yourself Into The Pictures Of The Life You Want

  • 10


    • Conclusion..